These are the recipes I posted yesterday at Twitter:
frosting: 8 oz. cream cheese, 4 oz. butter, 2 c powdered sugar, 1.5 tsp each vanilla & lemon juice. Beat. Refrigerate if you want thicker.
1 lb. dry beans, 3 strips bacon, carrots, celery, onion, 2 dry chiles, water to more than cover. Simmer all day, adding water as nec.
chili: Brown 1-2 lb. meat, .5 onion, few garlic cloves. Add 2 Tbsp. chili powder, 1 Tbsp. cumin, 2-4 c. beans (or more). Simmer.
chili options: can cond. tomato soup, diced tomatoes (fresh or can), .5 lb corn. meat: ground, beef stew, chicken adapted from
Val's recipe
(Posted manually today because evidently LoudTwitter and the blog are not communicating properly yet. Or at least weren't as of last night. We'll see how today goes.)